Wedding Recreations
Wedding Recreations .
Here is where you will send me your favorite image from your favorite moment of your wedding day, and I will recreate it into a painting! The outcome looks and is just as special as the live wedding paintings that I do… I am just not physically present with you when completing them! They are also “somewhat” less of an investment, depending on the size you decide on. “After the Wedding Recreation Paintings” typically range from $500-$2000 depending on detail and size of canvas! The sizes vary! They can also range from a more simple recreations, to an extremely detailed version! It all depends on the image you choose!
Framed Wedding Invite with Bouquet
Framed Wedding Invite with Bouquet .
These are so fun! You mail me your physical wedding invitation, and send me a picture of your wedding bouquet, and I quite literally marry the two! We also discuss what you want visually for your frame, and I go and pick out the frame and matte for you! No muss, no fuss! Framed wedding invites with the hand-painted bouquet start out at $300 and go up to $1000 depending on size and frame cost!
Painted Wedding Bouquet
Painted Wedding Bouquet .
What better way to preserve your wedding bouquet, than to capture it in time in a painting! All you have to do is send me some of your favorite images of your bouquet from your wedding day, and I recreate it!
Starting price for my bouquet recreations is $250 and can go up to $1500 depending on size!
Wedding Crests
Wedding Crests .
These are SO much fun! Here I work with you from the start to make sure I am getting all of your personalized details that you want incorporated into your crest to fit perfectly! We discuss color scheme, specific florals, wedding date, monogram placement, crest shape, etc! I complete my wedding crests on my iPad using a program called procreate! When I am finished, you will be given a google drive folder filled with various files of your wedding crest! That way, all you have to do is upload your preferred file to wherever and whatever you are having your crest printed on! My wedding crests start at $250.. and go up to $500 depending on detail and time spent.
Christmas Ornament
Christmas Ornament .
Your first Christmas as a married couple will be here before you know it! Start your new family collection of ornaments with an ornament commemorating your wedding day. From a couples picture to your bouquet, we can discuss the best way to capture your memory forever.